Thursday 20 September 2012

Running through my brain

Jesus and his pals having fun in a swimming pool.
Because nobody reads a blog with no pictures, right?
I kind of expect this first post to suck a lot. Don't let that put you off it though - I'm sure it will be at least half entertaining. I have never written anything worth reading before and I really want to change that. I don't want to be a writer or anything (and I am sure that won't be a problem), I just want to write more and of a slightly higher quality. But not too high.

I never really did well in school. It was mainly due to my lack of interest which lead straight to doing fuck all, all the time. Not much has changed. I wish I paid more attention in English for one. If I did I would know how to fucking write properly. I guess I am trying to sort that out with this though. But it might not be helping at all seeing as I could be doing this completely wrong without even knowing. Well not completely wrong...Just very wrong. "Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." - Some football coach or some shit. I think that quote is going to stick with me forever.

The first problem here is thinking of a subject to write about. The fact I have this problem is not a good way to start things off. I reckon these posts will be mostly personal bits. I dunno. Maybe I will just unload all the shit that is running through my brain or how dinner was (It wasn't too bad in case you were wondering). Yeah. Just small slices of my day(s) and my thoughts and shit and that. "Shit and that". I have got to stop saying that, but I probably won't.


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